- Unlimited Bowling
- Unlimited Lasertag
- Unlimited Glow Golf
- Unlimited Arcade Games
- Unlimited Billiards
- Unlimited drinks
- Pizza served by staff
- Snacks throughout the night
- A night full of memories!
- Fill out the form on this page.
- Fill out the Participation Consent & Medical Release Form (available at the high school office or by clicking here.
- Pay ZERO Dollars because it's absolutely free!
- All participants must be registered by Friday, May 17th to attend.
- All participants must ride on the PISD school busses to and from Lubbock.
- Any who have consumed alcoholic beverages or illegal substances on that night before we leave, will not be allowed to board the PISD school bus to Lubbock.
- Any students who register to attend and do not arrive by 12:01am will not be allowed to attend and his or her parent/guardian will be notified of his or her absence.
- Failing to comply with the behavioral expectations on the Participation Consent & Medical Release will be dismissed from Main Event and his or her parent/guardian will be responsible for providing transportation for his or her student to return home.
We will depart Plains High School parking lot at 12:01am.
We will return to Plains High School parking lot at 6:00am.
Click here to download the Participation Consent & Medical Release Form.