First Plains youth ministry

God commands all Christians to make disciples because we love God and love people. As a result, First Plains Youth exists to draw close to Jesus those who are far from Him and equip teenagers to do the same. Teenagers crave a safe space to be free to be themselves. We hope to provide that space in order to grow them to be all that God has intended them to be. Ultimately, we develop Christ-following disciples who are able to make disciples.

Stay up-to-date on all that is going on by reading our Top 3.

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WHat we do

We equip teenagers to reach those God has strategically and supernaturally placed inter lives. All we do is driven by the OIKOS principle. To read more about that, click here.

  • Deliver the Gospel

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  • transform


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  • Multiply Disciples

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Get involved


At 9:45am we join the rest of the church family for a modern worship service full of passionate music and relevant preaching. God's Word is shared through song and speech. Teenagers will find a warm welcome. Immediately following the service at 11:00am we meet in small groups to equip teenagers to be lifelong Jesus followers.


At 5:30pm our doors open for Middle Schoolers (6th-8th) for free snacks, games, and time to hang. Then we have a time of worship through song and hearing God's Word preached. At 6:45pm, all are given a free meal and are dismissed. Then at 7:00pm High Schoolers (9th-12th) meet in the youth room for dinner, worship in music, and Bible study, games then dismissed at 8:45.

You can see what we're teaching each week by getting our Top 3 email

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Have we mentioned the TOP 3 Email?

Each week we update parents and teenagers about the Top 3 things everyone needs to know about our youth ministry. They include info about activities, events coming up, and this week's teaching. We want parents and teenagers to know what is going on and have a place they can turn for reliable, updated information.


  • Youth Camp (completed 6th-12th)

    June 22-26 - We're headed back to Circle 6 Camp for a week of friends, fun, and quality time with Jesus. The goal of the week is to unplug from everyday life, spend quality time with each other, and get closer to Jesus. We only have 40 spots. The deadline to register is Friday, May 16. Download the instructions and register your kid soon.

    Youth Camp Info

  • First Kids VBS (COMPLETED Pre-K-5th)

    June 29-July 2 - First Kids VBS is four nights of crafts, music, games, Bible stories, and food. All this is FREE for completed PreK-5th graders. We invite teenagers (completed 6th-12th grades) to volunteer to make it a great time for kids. If you or your teenager would like to volunteer, contact Eric. To register your child for VBS simply go to

  • Preteen Camp (Completed 3rd-5th)

    July 13-16 - Preteen camp is three nights and four days of swimming, games, God's Word, music, and friendship. The goal of the week is to unplug from everyday life, spend quality time with each other, and get closer to Jesus. We only have 24 spots. So be sure to register your child before Friday, May 16. Download the parent letter and instructions below.

    Preteen Camp Info